When the projects are published?

The European Heritage Training Courses and the European Heritage Volunteers Projects of the spring programme (April to June) will be published mid of February of the year in which they will take place.

The European Heritage Training Courses and the European Heritage Volunteers Projects of the summer & autumn programme will be published at the end of February of the year in which they will take place.

In case that courses resp. projects will be fixed later they will be published later. The Calendar of Courses and Projects will be permanently updated.


Which costs participants have to cover?

At all projects accommodation, food, the educational and cultural programme and the travel costs during the project are covered by European Heritage Volunteers resp. the Project Partners. Depending on the regulations in the particular country health insurance, accidence insurance and / or liability insurance might be covered by European Heritage Volunteers or the Project Partner, too.

The travel costs to and from the place of the course or project have to be covered by the participants.


For each European Heritage Training Course of two weeks duration participants have to pay a contribution to the European Heritage Volunteers Programme of 150 €.

For each European Heritage Volunteers Project of two weeks duration participants have to pay a contribution to the European Heritage Volunteers Programme of 100 €.

For a European Heritage Training Course of eleven days duration participants have to pay a contribution to the European Heritage Volunteers Programme of 120 €.   

The contribution to the European Heritage Volunteers Programme is not a participation fee; it is used to finance the European Heritage Volunteers Programme as a whole, in particular to support Project Partners in economically less wealthy countries.

For courses and projects taking place in cities with more than 50.000 inhabitants, in addition to the contribution to the European Heritage Volunteers Programme a participation fee of 30 € is charged to buffer the higher costs for accommodation and other services.



Application process

You can apply for one or more of the published projects resp. courses as soon as they are published. You can either apply or for one or more specific projects resp. courses or you can describe your profile, your interests, your motivation, your expectations and European Heritage Volunteers will try to help you to find (a) suitable project(s) resp. course(s).

The more detailed your application is, the better we can support you.

The application should contain in any case application form, curriculum vitae, photo, motivation letter and the time frame of your availability and shall be sent to info@heritagevolunteers.eu. The mentioned documents should be separate files and shoud be sent as attachments to an email; links which require download from a cloud, a website, google drive or similar will not be accepted. The application form can be downloaded here.

There is no deadline for application - participants will be placed till a particular project resp. course will be filled.

Please note, that there might be more projects resp. courses which might be not published on this website - since there is only a limited number of places or since they are due to formal reasons only open for participants with special profile - and which may be in accordance with your wishes.

Reception of applications will not be confirmed.


Selection process, confirmation and visa invitation

The selection process for European Heritage Training Courses and European Heritage Volunteers Projects which take place in spring starts immediately after the courses resp. projects are published.

The selection process for European Heritage Training Courses and European Heritage Volunteers Projects which take place in summer or autumn starts from beginning of April onwards.

If the application documents are complete the selection process takes three to four weeks and usually includes a skype interview.

In result, the confirmation of participation will be sent which includes the invoice for the contribution to the European Heritage Volunteers Programme - and in case of courses or projects in cities with more than 50,000 inhabitants - the participation fee. The contribution to the European Heritage Volunteers Programme as well as - if applicable - the participation fee are to be paid to European Heritage Volunteers within seven days after the confirmation of participation, exclusively by bank account.

If the payment will not be undertaken within that time frame, European Heritage Volunteers is free either to send a reminder - which includes an additional administration fee of 20 € per course resp. project - or to accept - after an additional time of two days to exclude difficulties caused by the bank system - another applicant for the place.

In order to reduce administrative workload a confirmation that the contribution to the European Heritage Volunteers Programme and - if applicable - the participation fee has been delivered will not be provided. Applicants shall guarantee that the full requested amount will be transferred. In case that the transfered amount is lower than the requested one European Heritage Volunteers is free to decide either to request the difference to be paid by bank account or in cash on arrival. 

In case that the selection has been undertaken in favor of the applicant, the confirmation of participation has been sent out, but the applicant withdrew his application and does not pay the contribution to the European Heritage Volunteers Programme and / or - if applicabe - the participation fee, an administrative fee of 20 € per course or project will be charged which shall be paid within one week. The payment of the administrative fee will be a condition for later applications for the European Heritage Volunteers Programme. In case that the administration fee would not be paid even after two weeks, an additional administration of 20 € will be charged, thus in total 40 €.  

In case that the participant cancels his / her participation the contribution to the European Heritage Volunteers Programme will not be reimbursed.

In case that the participant has substantial reasons to cancel his / her participation which s/he proves - as f.e. serious health reasons -, European Heritage Volunteers can decide to reimburse the participation fee but is not obliged to do so.

For participants who will need visa European Heritage Volunteers or the Project Partner will prepare the therefore needed invitation very soon, at the latest within one week after the participation fee has been delivered to European Heritage Volunteers' bank account.


Detailed project information

Six weeks before the beginning of the training course or the volunteering project the Detailed Project Information will be sent to the participants which includes information about the location, the arrival place and time and other details.

From this moment on the participants can book their travel to the project location.



European Heritage Volunteers provides for every participant a confirmation of participation in the particular European Heritage Volunteers Project resp. European Heritage Training Course. In the certificate the type, the place and the duration of the European Heritage Volunteers Project resp. the European Heritage Training Course is mentioned; the certificate includes the logos of European Heritage Volunteers as well as of the main Project Partners.

For engagements from six weeks duration onwards European Heritage Volunteers provides on request a qualified certificate.


Other opportunities of volunteering at heritage sites

If you are interested in other opportunities of volunteering at heritage sites, do not hesitate to contact us.

Most of the organisations and institutions cooperating with European Heritage Volunteers are offering beside the projects included in the Calendar of Projects other opportunities to engage for heritage as for example

  • being a Group Coordinator of a Heritage Volunteers Project or a Heritage Training Course (responsible for social, intercultural and logistic tasks) or support the Group Coordinator
  • being a Technical Instructor of a Heritage Volunteers Project (responsible for the technical tasks) or support the Technical Instructor
  • mid-term volunteering (between one and three months)
  • long-term volunteering (more than three months)
  • writing bachelor or master thesis about a topic linked to a heritage site
  • internships

The more detailed you will describe your profile and your expectations, the better we will be able to help you in order to find a suitable project for you.

European Heritage Volunteers