The projects providing knowledge in „Traditional Masonry Techniques” are thematically quite diverse. The projects are answering the needs of endangered heritage sites and so refer to the material traditionally used in the particular region, to the regional construction techniques and handcraft traditions.

The projects are alternating from season to season and may include the restoration of historical walls and wall systems of a heritage site, workshops in traditional plastering or in traditional paving techniques.

In several regions there are carried out projects in traditional dry stone wall techniques. Although the used material differs from region to region the traditional techniques are quite similar. Dry stone walls are constructed without mortar and had been common over centuries to strengthen steep slopes, so they are often remarkable characteristics of cultural landscapes. However, the dry stone walls are in many places endangered since the scarps had been fallen out of use, the construction, restoration and maintenance of dry stone walls is physically very demanding and the traditional knowledge among the local population gets lost step by step.

Conservation Works at the Fortification Walls of a Medieval Castle
Marksburg Castle / Rhineland-Palatinate

Training Course Summer 2025
Conservation of Masonry and Architectural Surfaces in Lime Technology
Mauerbach Charterhouse / Lower Austria

Training Course Summer 2025
Construction of a Replica of a Castle using Medieval Techniques
Bärnau-Tachov History Park / Bavaria

Training Course Summer 2025
Traditional Masonry Techniques at a Medieval Castle
Tematín Castle / Trenčín Region

Volunteering Project Summer 2025
Traditional Dry-Stone Techniques & Reconstruction of Historic Parks
World Heritage site Classical Weimar / Wieland Estate Oßmannstedt / Thuringia

Volunteering Project Summer 2025
Traditional Clay Techniques at a Building from the Middle Ages
Middle Age Ensemble Mühlhausen / Thuringia

Training Course Autumn 2025
Conservation Works at a Traditional Vernacular Ensemble
Gornji Stoliv / Kotor Municipality

Volunteering Project Autumn 2025
Conservation works at a historical pathway and dry-stone walls
Gornji Stoliv / Kotor Municipality

Past Volunteering Project
Conservation of walls and vaults in traditional masonry techniques
Tematín Castle / Trenčín Region

Past Training Course
Conservation of historic dry stone walls
World Heritage Site Classical Weimar / Thuringia

Past Training Course
Sustainable practices of heritage conservation in times of climate change
World Heritage Site Classical Weimar / Thuringia

Past Training Course
Conservation works at a historic pathway & a traditional stone slab roof
Gornij Stoliv / Kotor Municipality

Past Training Course
Traditional masonry techniques & traditional vaults
Tematín Castle / Trenčín Region

Past Training Course
Conservation works at the entrance area of a fortified church ensemble
Ensemble of the fortified church Movile / Sibiu County

Past Volunteering Project
Conservation works at cave churches & Documentation of frescos
Cave churches & St. Anna Chapel at Great Prespa Lake / Korça Region

Past Training Course
Conservation works at a historic mine and its water management system
World Heritage site Erzgebirge/Krušnohoří Mining Landscape - Segen Gottes Erbstolln Gersdorf / Saxony

Past Volunteering Project
Traditional dry stone wall techniques
Les Preses / Girona Province

Past Training Course
Conservation of dry stone walls
Belvedere Park Weimar / Thuringia

Past Volunteering Project
Conservation of a medieval wall
Ensemble of the fortified church Movile / Sibiu County

Past Volunteering Project
Conservation works at a fortified church ensemble
Ensemble of the fortified church Hosman / Sibiu County

Past Volunteering Project
Traditional masonry & rebuilding of traditional vaults
Tematín Castle / Trencín Region

Past Training Course
Restoration of architectural elements in a historic garden
Ebrach Court Mainstockheim / Bavaria

Past Volunteering Project
Traditional stone techniques & traditional masonry
Couchy Castle / Aisne Départment

Past Training Course
Maintenance of cultural landscape & traditional stone techniques
Marksburg & Spay, Upper Middle Rhine Valley / Rhineland-Palatinate

Past Training Course
Research & preservation of mining heritage
Freiberg & Halsbrücke, Ore Mountains Cultural Landscape / Saxony

Past Volunteering Project
Conservation works at the world’s oldest boat lift & other structures
World Heritage site Erzgebirge/Krušnohoří Mining Region - Halsbrücke / Saxony

Past Volunteering Project
Conservation of the floor of a medieval church
Church St. Julià Vallfogona de Ripollès / Catalonia Region

Volunteering Project 2020
Conservation works at historic pathways & a traditional stone slab roof
Gornij Stoliv / Kotor Municipality

Past Volunteering Project
European Heritage Volunteers